Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Phew- weigh in wednesday

Well it was weigh in today , its been two weeks since last weigh in and I haven't been watching what I eat. So gaining two pounds was a relief!! Thought it would be more, actually it should be more!

4 comments: said...

Hi Clare:

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Robert Groth and I'm a new MS blogger. You'll see the link of your blog on my site Could you please add me to yours.

Clare said...

Nice to meet you Robert.

Susanna said...

Ha! Told oyu it would be OK :) AM currently losing my Chirstmas poundage by a more unorthodox method.....what a way to start the new year!

Anonymous said...

Hi. I hadn't been around in awhile and I just dropped in to wish you a Happy New Year.