Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Wednesday weigh in- 10/12/08

Another weigh and another loss whooppee! Loss of 4 1/2 lbs and got slimmer of the week again.
So I have lost a total of 2 stone 7 lbs. So I got my 2 1/2 stone loss award this week.


Anna said...

You.... swot!!


nuttynurse said...

You go girl!!!

The Mom said...

Your weight loss is inspiring!

H x x

Susanna said...

Look, I am running out of ways to say 'woohoo'! Well done you :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the weight loss. Wish I could do that. Rather, wish I WOULD do that. There's just so much good food out there waiting to be eaten.

Anna said...

Re. camino comment

I am still keeping an eye out for a lightweight Bible - would love it if I could find a tiny one like that. Horrid thing about pilgrimages is that every single ounce counts!

Anna said...

Hi Clare!

I'm going to be crashing the Hunt Family Christmas - I'm getting little prezzies for the kids; what kind of things is John a fan of?


Clare said...

Dr who, Sci Fi stuff, planets and space, building stuff, dinosaurs etc.
Infact anything lol

Clare said...

He is a typical 11 yr old boy.