Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Weigh In wednesday.

Another weigh in loomed , we have a Christian friend who has started coming with us. We all encourage each other which is great!
I lost 3 1/2 lbs this week totalling 2 stone 12 lb loss and I am aiming for 2 lbs next week to get my three stone award.
I am so pleased its coming off.
My diet mainly consists of fish and vegetables, which I love by the way..


Susanna said...

you are so good mrs B. Have been considering going back...but not quite making it. Can you e mail me what you would usually eat per day? I am finding it hard to see how I would get myself back to low bread/cereal etc- maybe by getting organised and imaginative!

Moomin said...

Hallo Mrs Baptist! Happy New Year! I think I put on more lbs but it's beginning to fall off a bit now. How to get to sleep? That's hard. I had a card that said: Don't count sheep; talk to the Shepherd. MS certainly creates challenges. You can't even take a warm bath! Classical music to soothe you away?

nuttynurse said...

I don't think Susanna would thrive on steamed fish and rocket as you do!!! The question is.....what do you do when you get fed up of it?!!!!

I agree about praying, talking to the shepherd but I've been guilty of falling asleep while praying which is rather disrepectful so make sure you get to the saying 'amen' bit!