Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Wednesday weigh in- 28/01/09

I lost 2 lbs this week so I am over the moon. Total loss 3 stone 1 1/2 lbs..
Got to keep walking I do hope my body lets me as it really helps with weight loss.

Friday, 23 January 2009

A little update on my MS

I have been struggling recently but still managing to do things and my optic neuritus has flared up with avengence (my right eye). I can cope with loss of vision but the pain around and behind the eye stops you in your tracks.
So I made an appointment with my Doctor. I saw him Thursday morning. I get on well with my doctor.
I have now been prescribed a 5 days course of oral steroids which should ease the imflamtion behind the eye. I do tend to respond well to this treatment. It should also help with the fatigue side of things.
Also my doctor is so pleased with my weight loss , he is so encouraging.

But I am still smiling and going to the Lord more often in prayer. We have such a comforter and loving God , a friend that never lets us down.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

wednesday weigh in- 21/01/09

Weigh in again.
Lost 1 1/2 lbs this week which suprised me as I had my birthday at weekend and ate cake and lots of bad stuff.

Total loss 2 stone 13 1/2 lbs

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Bit of a Battle

At late fatigue has peaked. I struggle to get up . I struggle to do daily things and I struggle to sleep.
Sometimes I just want to stay in bed and not move!
It seems a constant battle and effort to do the simplest things, but I am convinced it is mentally strenghtening me. The Lord is always with me and sometimes when Life is too easy you forget the important things.
I have so much to be thankful fo, even the struggles..

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Weigh In wednesday.

Another weigh in loomed , we have a Christian friend who has started coming with us. We all encourage each other which is great!
I lost 3 1/2 lbs this week totalling 2 stone 12 lb loss and I am aiming for 2 lbs next week to get my three stone award.
I am so pleased its coming off.
My diet mainly consists of fish and vegetables, which I love by the way..

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Another wednesday another weigh in.

Well I lost a 1lb this week , so back in right direction, total loss 2 stone 8 1/2 lbs. So 100% on plan this week and walking further with dog will help.

Update on my MS

My energy levels are quite low at moment and I am in bed so early these days, for one it helps with pain in both legs which has raised its ugly head again and secondly I just have to lie down as energy has gone by that time of evening. But getting to sleep is a totally different matter and its driving me nuts. Grrrrr
My right eye isn't any better or worse , I can only describe like looking through thick fog and the pain in and around my eye is back. This pain stop me in my tracks as it such a sharp stabbing pain.

On a lighter note I have recently had a few comments on how well I look! I take all the positives I can and put that energy to good use.

We also have snow lingering about this makes roads and pathways dodgy to walk along but fun! Dolly the dog turns into turbo dolly in the snow it makes me laugh so much I think people think I am nuts!

Bye for now.