Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Sunshine .

Well the past few days have been hot hot hot! I cannot remember such warmth in the month of May.
We have fans in most rooms to keep air ciculating.
The pool is up and filled and Its just what is needed on a hot sunny day.

The flowers are growing like mad and the colours of some of the flowers have been a surprise to me as I thought I had planted purple ones and they are bright pink! Everywhere I am looking something new is peeking through.
Makes you marvel at Gods creation.

Mind you one of Gods not so little creations gave me a fright the other day. A spider the size of my hand came to visit me..Shudders! This is the little fellow after my husband caught him and took him outside.

I am still awaiting MRI results, I have an appointment with my neurologist mid June to discusss treament.

Weight loss update 2

Well I lost another 1 1/2 lbs this week so a total of 5 1/2 lbs loss so far.
It seems to go on so quickly and takes so much longer to come off lol!

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Weight loss update

I lost 1 1/2 lbs this week and I was relieved as I have not been 100 % on plan. Now I must focus..

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

First week results on slimming plan

Well I have to admit I struggled to organise myself to get back on this plan, but I think I am getting there.

I lost 2 1/2 lbs :)
Long may the loss continue.

Saturday, 8 May 2010


I am having an MRI on Monday morning, this will be looking to see if I fall under the criteria for Tysabri. I will not have the results for a while.

I have peace with it all as it is all in my mighty Lord's hands. He is in complete control of all things, so why should I be worrying?

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Re- joined slimming world..

Well as I haven't mentioned my weight recently means that I have been steadily gaining not loosing over the past year or so. So today I joined slimming world to shed those pounds..My dear hubby isnt going to the class but will be on the eating plan with me.

I feel quite positive and determined to stick with it.
If I cannot exercise the weight off I sure can attack on the dietry front.

So watch this space....

Update on my husband- He has been to the lung clinic today and got showed how to wire himself up for an over night sleep study. So that should be interesting tonight, then he will go to the hospital and get an indication on the results. .