Well I have not written much about my health recently , so I thought I would update you all.
I have ove the past four weeks had serious problems with my left eye. It optic neuritus and I have pain aswell as vision loss.
I have been in and out of eye clinics having the same tests over and over again.. Oh well atleast my eyes have had a good MOT!
Looks like I am going to have to have a 3 day course of steroids as vision and pain have got worse rather than better. Steroids do help greatly but I gave it a little more time than usual to see if I improved by myself, but alas it did not.
I am quite relaxed about it all, whats the point in getting upset and anxious about it. God has seen me through it all and continues to be with me.
Its all in Gods plan. :)
5 years ago
Hallo Clare, Have you ever dipped into Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by Paul Brand? His description of a poor lady who had trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux) made me think of you. Sorry to hear about the optic neuralgia. Is your sight affected much? ,For consider Him,who endured such hostility from sinners against himself, lest you grow weary and discouraged in your souls.' Such good medicine.We continue to pray for you all. love Moomin xx
Clare you do not know me but I have Jonathan's blog delivered to my e-mail. Through him and his site I have seen your blog. I wanted you to know that I am praying for you. I am asking the God of all comfort to comfort you. I am asking the One who created you to restore you to perfect health. I am asking Him to grant you the grace needed during the hardest times of suffering. I am asking that He use you to glorify His Name, which is above all names.
My own wife has not the same ailments as you, but has chronic pain problems, She like you is holding on to Her Redeemer.
Thank you for your steadfast faith. It is an encouragement to me and I am sure to others.
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